Directed by Matt Hovde, and until this past Sunday, the cast featured Andy St. Clair, Christina Anthony, Amanda Blake Davis, Timothy Edward Mason, Beth Melewski, and Tom Flanigan. The 33rd revue by the Second City ETC theater is very hilarious.
This revue recieved quite a few Jeff Award nominations. The nominations are as follows: Production – Revue, Ensemble, Director – Revue, and Actress in a Revue (Amanda Blake Davis – "Studs Terkel's Not Working").
If I had my way, I would have nominated all six of them.
The show starts off with a very hilarious song about the city of Chicago, with scenes incorporated, but the song also includes a reminder to turn your cell phones off.
One of the improvised scenes happens when Tim Mason comes out asking "You wanna fight the machine?" The punchline at the end: "Vote Republican." That's a way to find the sole Republican in the audience...
They spoof the Hall of Presidents and later, take a tour through the city of Chicago.
One of the best scenes, maybe because of the audience member chosen, had to be where they solved the crime. Tim Mason did his absolute best Thursday night. The audience member, not so much.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
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Mason's moving on to bigger and brighter things. Just you wait.